Charles François Gand père

Violin maker
(1787 – 1845)

Known as Gand père, Charles François Gand was born in Versailles and apprenticed with Nicolas Lupot in Paris from 1802 to 1806. During this time he worked alongside and taught August Sébastien Philippe Bernardel, whose sons would later join Gand's ...Read More son Charles Nicolas Eugène to form the firm of Gand & Bernardel. After a brief return to his father's shop in Versailles Gand came back to Paris, where he married Lupot's adopted daughter and began to work for him. In 1819, Gand acquired his own workshop, where he produced instruments of excellent craftsmanship and ran a sound business until inheriting Lupot's shop upon his death in 1824. Gand was not especially prolific and little of his work remains, but he was perhaps Lupot's finest pupil, like many other 19th-century French makers, overshadowed in his lifetime by J.B. Vuillaume. Read Less

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $67,538 in Mar 2008, for a violin.
- 43 auction price results.

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