Don Nicola Marchioni 'Don Nicolo Amati'

Violin maker
(1662 – 1752)

The identity of violin maker Don Nicolo Amati has been the subject of considerable speculation for several hundred years. Thought to have been a nom d'etiquette of a violin making Bolognese priest with the surname Melchioni or Marchioni, the name 'D. Nicolaus Amati' appears on original labels of numerous instruments dating from the 18th century that appear to be of the same hand. However, documents ...Read More connecting Marchioni to those particular instruments is not forthcoming. The instruments themselves show the influence of the early 18th-century Venetian school, particularly the varnish. An original and idiosyncratic style is demonstrated through the placement of the f-holes and pins and the distinctive model of head. Read Less

Price History

- The auction record for this maker is $59,972 in Oct 2017, for a violin.
- 46 auction price results.

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